I am gearing up for a Good Life Reboot. It’s the new year and a good time to assess things so the rest of my life turns out the way I always hoped it would, instead of just going with the flow and ending up somewhere unintended. Sometimes we charge forward so hard for so long, we forget to look up and take stock of where we are and where we’re heading.
I’m trying to create the life of my dreams, so I’m planning to upgrade and reboot:
— my level of self-worth
— my physical health
— my relationships
— my work and career
— my sense of purpose and contribution.
Thankfully, I am not doing this alone. I am extracting all I can from experts — books, podcasts, lectures, articles, and my own personal self-expert: me — and I’m sharing it here out in the open with you. Thank you for being here.
Happy New Year and godspeed!!