You can increase your capacity for self-kindness and self-compassion with this tiny tip: Put up a childhood photo of yourself and look at it often.
If you’re like me, you’ve spent decades being your own harshest critic, giving short shrift to your achievements and aiming your internal telescope unflinchingly on perceived shortcomings. A common affliction, sure, but it sucks for self-esteem. Even victories aren’t sweet when your internal critic is so mean.
So try this trick, which my therapist Dr. D first recommended to me years ago: Find a childhood photo of yourself and post it where you can see it often. Make it your Facebook profile picture or your cellphone home screen. Then look at that sweet, innocent little face, and anytime you’re tempted to be less than kind to yourself, remember that’s who you’re doing it to.
It may feel normal (just because we’re used to it) to be harsh to our adult selves, but it’s a lot harder to feel OK about being tough on someone like this awkward little gal….
Seriously, would you be harshly critical to that little thing? Probably not. And you wouldn’t be so harsh on your own inner child, either, if you could see him or her.
So try this trick, and please let me know how it goes!!
You can find my other Tiny Tips here.